Influence of Inlet Geometry on the Efficiency of 1 MW Steam Turbine

Arkadusz Koprowski, Dominik Gotowski, Romuald Rzadkowski, Ryszard Szczepanik
2019 Journal of KONES Powertrain and Transport  
AbstractThe process of the design of the 1 MW steam turbine includes designing the stator and rotor blades, the steam turbine inlet and exit, the casing and the rotor. A turbine that operates at rotation speeds other than 3000 rpm requires a gearbox and generator with complex electronic software. This article analyses the efficiency of eight turbine variants, including seven inlet geometries and three stages of stator as well as an eight variant with one of the inlets, all three stages and an
more » ... tlet.This article analyses the efficiency of 8 turbine variants, including four spiral inlet geometries and tree stages in a 1 MW steam turbine. In the article, inlets and 1st stator blades of various geometries were analysed to obtain maximal turbine efficiency. Changing the inlet spiral from one pipe to two pipes increased the turbine efficiency. The geometry of the blades and turbine inlets and outlet was carried out using Design Modeller. The blade mesh was prepared in TurboGrid and inlet in ANSYS Meshing.
doi:10.2478/kones-2019-0098 fatcat:gnggghprabew5awoebelatc5zi