Effect of Day Length and Temperature on the Diapause Termination of Riptortus pedestris (Hemiptera: Alydidae) Female Adults
톱다리개미허리노린재 암컷 성충의 휴면종료에 미치는 일장과 온도의 영향

Wan Huh, Dae-Young Son, Chung-Gyoo Park
2010 Korean journal of applied entomology  
The bean bug, Riptortus clavatus Thunberg (Hemiptera: Alydidae), is a pest of soybeans and tree fruits. It enters reproductive diapause during winter. We studied the effect of different combinations of temperature, day length, and treatment period on the termination of diapause in R. clavatus using adult females collected in October and November 2006. Ovarian development was used to determine diapause termination. The treatments were: ① HTLD; 25℃, 14L:10D treatment for 1, 2, 3 weeks and 30
more » ... ② HTSD; 25℃, 10L:14D treatment for 1, 2, and 3 weeks, ③ LTLD; 8℃, 14L:10D treatment for 1, 2, and 3 weeks followed by HTLD for 3 weeks, and ④ LTSD; 8℃, 10L:14D treatment for 1, 2, and 3 weeks followed by HTLD for 3 weeks. The HTSD treatments did not affect ovarian development, and resulted in no significant difference in the number of mature eggs in ovaries or the percentage of diapause-terminated females compared to the control females before treatment. The percentage of females that terminated diapause was significantly higher in the HTLD treatment than in the HTSD treatment. The HTLD treatment for more than 14 days increased the percentage of diapause-terminated females, accelerated the development of the ovaries, and increased the number of mature eggs in ovaries. Compared with the HTLD or HTSD treatments, the LTLD or LTSD treatments followed by the HTLD treatment accelerated ovarian development and increased the number of ovipositing females. The pre-LTSD treatment for 1 week was enough to increase the number of eggs oviposited.
doi:10.5656/ksae.2010.49.2.115 fatcat:ajf6u73t3rcjhclkpppasxcy4e