Effect of Breed and Age of Hens on the Yolk to Albumen Ratio in Two Different Genetic Stocks

Y. O. Suk, C. Park
2001 Poultry Science  
A commercial egg-type chicken (ISA Brown; CEC) and a dual-purpose pure breed of the Korean Native Chicken (KNC) were compared for yolk to albumen (Y:A) ratio and their major egg characteristics at seven different ages. The eggs from KNC were significantly (P < 0.01) lighter in egg, albumen, and shell weight than those from CEC. However, the yolk weight and Y:A ratio of the eggs from KNC were significantly (P < 0.01) heavier or larger than the ones of CEC. The effect of age on the yolk, shell
more » ... ght, and shell thickness was highly significant (P < 0.01), whereas significant differences were (Key words: breed, age of hen, yolk to albumen ratio, egg component, interaction) 2001 Poultry Science 80:855-858
doi:10.1093/ps/80.7.855 pmid:11469645 fatcat:nh7nwa76c5ailehps2z2vxw66y