2021 International Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Allied Sciences  
Ayurveda advocates three principles namely hetu (cause) linga (symptoms) oushadha (treatment) for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Oushadha or medicaments are used as important tools in bringing the healthy status back in diseased person. Kalpana are various dosage forms that are possible with different processing techniques using herbal mineral or animal raw drugs. Kshara is one among the Kalpana. The formulations that possess corrosive, pungent, saline, acrid nature and ksharana
more » ... property are termed as kshara. They are alkaline substance usually obtained by processing the ash of plant or mineral drugs. They are useful in varied surgical disease conditions because of which called as anushastra. Pratisaraniya (external use) and paneeya (internal use) kshara are the two types of kshara. The pratisaraniyakshara has been further sub classified according to its potential in to mridu (mild), madhya (moderate), and tikshna (intense). Further kshara has been classified on the basis of the number present in the group like dvikshara (two kshara), trikshara (three kshara), ksharapanchaka (five alkali) and ksharashtaka (eight alkali).Yava (Hordeum vulgare Linn.) is a drug known for its kshara properties and is included under ksharashtaka. In this work, Yavakshara was prepared as per standard references and subjected for analysis. The raw material selected for the study were of genuine quality and were comparable with API standards. Physicochemical characters of the study drug were within the pharmacopeial limits. Pharmaceutical
doi:10.31032/ijbpas/2021/10.10.1007 fatcat:zwcgrn5d6bennkqf6bbicrouwa