Processing real-time stereo video for an autonomous robot using disparity maps and sensor fusion

Donald W. Rosselot, Ernest L. Hall, David P. Casasent, Ernest L. Hall, Juha Roning
2004 Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXII: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision  
The Bearcat "Cub" Robot is an interactive, intelligent, Autonomous Guided Vehicle (AGV) designed to serve in unstructured environments. Recent advances in computer stereo vision algorithms that produce quality disparity, and the availability of low cost high speed camera systems have simplified many of tasks associated with robot navigation and obstacle avoidance using stereo vision. Leveraging these benefits, this paper describes a novel method for autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance
more » ... urrently being implemented on the UC Bearcat Robot. The core of this approach is the synthesis of multiple sources of real-time data including stereo image disparity maps, tilt sensor data, and LADAR data with standard contour, edge, color, and line detection methods to provide robust and intelligent obstacle avoidance. An algorithm is presented with Matlab code to process the disparity maps to rapidly produce obstacle size and location information in a simple format, and features cancellation of noise and correction for pitch and roll. The vision and control computers are clustered with the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) software. The significance of this work is in presenting the methods needed for real time navigation and obstacle avoidance for intelligent autonomous robots.
doi:10.1117/12.571291 fatcat:3fe6ps3r6zdwro3toimcmugirm