Technological assurance of the quality of processing of products from aluminum alloys with a complex geometric shape using magnetic abrasive processing

Dmitriy Maksimov, Radmila Shcheglova, Dmitriy Klochkov, V.V. Maksarov, V.V. Gabov, N.V. Martyushev
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
In the presented article, the issue of the implementation of magnetic abrasive processing is considered in order to ensure the quality of surfaces of complex shapes of parts made of corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys. The implementation was carried out through theoretical and experimental research. In a theoretical study, the features of processing corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys, existing and possible schemes for magnetic-abrasive processing of surfaces of complex geometric shapes,
more » ... ng a combination of various working movements of the workpiece and pole pieces, are considered. In an experimental study, the dependence of the quality of the processed surface (roughness) on the size of the working gap between the workpiece and the working pole was determined. The result of the research is the determination of the optimal treatment schemes for surfaces with a complex geometric shape, as well as the derived exponential dependence of the change in surface roughness on the size of the working gap.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202132600033 fatcat:rntdmgmctrarfeac62xx4znsvu