Blockchain-based Personal Health Data Sharing System Using Cloud Storage

Xiaochen Zheng, Raghava Rao Mukkamala, Ravi Vatrapu, Joaqun Ordieres-Mere
2018 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom)  
With the advent of rapid development of wearable technology and mobile computing, huge amount of personal health-related data is being generated and accumulated on continuous basis at every moment. These personal datasets contain valuable information and they belong to and asset of the individual users, hence should be owned and controlled by themselves. Currently most of such datasets are stored and controlled by different service providers and this centralised data storage brings challenges
more » ... data security and hinders the data sharing. These personal health data are valuable resources for healthcare research and commercial projects. In this research work, we propose a conceptual design for sharing personal continuousdynamic health data using blockchain technology supplemented by cloud storage to share the health-related information in a secure and transparent manner. Besides, we also introduce a data quality inspection module based on machine learning techniques to have control over data quality. The primary goal of the proposed system is to enable users to own, control and share their personal health data securely, in a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant way to get benefit from their personal datasets. It also provides an efficient way for researchers and commercial data consumers to collect high quality personal health data for research and commercial purposes.
doi:10.1109/healthcom.2018.8531125 dblp:conf/healthcom/ZhengMVM18 fatcat:x2md37zjwvfibnqx4b2yclue4m