Is a Digital Model Worth a Thousand Pictures? [chapter]

Ivanka Iordanova, Temy Tidafi, Giovanni De Paoli
2007 Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures (CAADFutures) 2007  
This communication addresses the use of a new type of referents database in the context of an architectural design studio. It discusses the results of design experiences held with the objective to study the cognitive effects of a teaching approach based on precedents and metaphors available as interactive and reusable digital models to students. The introduction of this referent-based approach is inspired by three major principles: the largely accepted fact that the creative work of architects
more » ... s highly supported by referring to precedents and metaphors; the use of algorithmic digital methods to encapsulate architectural knowledge; and the constructivist approach to architectural design education. The study finds that the role of the modeled referents is helpful for the design studio learning, and that they are most creatively used when internalized by the student.
doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-6528-6_7 fatcat:7zuglo3mxvgudhf3w3bwhh3264