A chiral cascade via backreacting D7-branes with flux

Francesco Benini
2008 Journal of High Energy Physics  
In the context of AdS/CFT, we consider a cascading theory with an arbitrarily large number of chiral flavors. In the UV the theory can be considered as a chiral flavoring of the Klebanov-Tseytlin solution, and exhibits a duality wall. Instead in the IR, due to the rich dynamics, it safely flows to a non-cascading theory. We engineer the field theory through intersecting D7-branes with world-volume gauge flux on a conifold with 3-form fluxes, and we find new fully backreacted solutions of Type
more » ... B Supergravity plus branes. We match the field theory cascade with supergravity by computing Page charges and interpreting Seiberg dualities as large gauge transformations of the background. Eventually we give an interpretation of the chiral zero modes arising at the intersection of the D7-branes with flux.
doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2008/10/051 fatcat:dirx3nnnrva5tftrshzam5gmei