A Descriptive Study of People's Health Care Facility Preferences in Malang

Linda Fei Yuvita, Dita Ratna Fauziah, Shofiyatul Masyiyah, Iing Merillarosa Kharisma Wardani, Anis Yunita, Dian Mawarni
2022 Proceedings of the Conference on Health and Wellbeing in Modern Society (CHW 2021)   unpublished
Health care service utilization in the national health insurance keeps increasing. On the other hand, people are becoming more critical in determining a health care facility as a place for getting treatment. The health care facility preference also illustrates the people's demand pattern towards the health care services. This study aimed to identify the illustration of people's health care facility preferences in Malang. An online survey was conducted on 61 samples that fulfilled the
more » ... ' criteria. The questionnaire consisted of 4 sections, closed-ended questions, and openended questions. The data were analyzed descriptively. This study showed the people's health care facility preference based on the respondents' characteristics, health status, and health insurance ownership. The respondents aged around 21-40 years old and 41-60 years old preferred Public Health Centers, while the respondents aged over 60 years old chose a private medical practice. According to the respondents' gender, education level, and morbidity rate, they chose public health centers as their health care facility preference. The respondents with no history of past illness tended to get treatment in private medical practice, while the respondents with a history of past illness tended to choose the treatment in Public health centers. The respondents with health insurance preferred public health centers, while the respondents with no health insurance preferred private medical practice. This study showed that the variation of the people's health care facility preferences in Malang. The next study needs to investigate the reasons underlying the people's health care facility preference.
doi:10.2991/ahsr.k.220108.015 fatcat:uxroc3btarak7kh4u5zkoa7rsi