O artesanato guarani entre o encanto e o conflito : a intervenção do design na produção de artesanato tradicional sob uma ótica descolonial [thesis]

Maika Pires Milezzi
The craft production in traditional cultures was developed based on a knowledge structure different from that in which the design was developed. With the increasing involvement of design activities in craftproducing communities, we ask if these activities may cause struggle, specially concerning to coloniality and traditional knowledges being erased by hegemonic ones. In order to understand this relation, this article is an effort to locate the mbya guarani craft production in its own cultural
more » ... ystem, its relation with the territory, the way of life and cosmology of those people, and thereafter, discuss the outcomes of a design project in this production.
doi:10.26512/2016.08.d.22077 fatcat:ekma33k2vjckfblyr7mcnpf3pe