Two Factor Authentication Access Control for Web Based Cloud Computing

Chandana, Vanishree, Kavitha, Kavitha
2017 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)   unpublished
In this paper, we tend to introduce a Two-factor authentication (2FA) access system for web-based cloud computing services. Specifically, in our planned 2FA access system, attribute-based access management mechanism is enforced with the need of each a user secret key and a lightweight security device. As a user cannot access the system if they are doing not hold each, the mechanism will enhance the protection of the system, particularly in those eventualities wherever several users share an
more » ... valent laptop for web-based cloud services. additionally, attribute-based management within the system additionally allows the cloud server to limit the access to those users with an equivalent set of attributes whereas conserving user privacy, i.e., the cloud server solely is aware of that the user fulfills the desired predicate, however has no plan on the precise identity of the user.