Secure Sharing of Data for Dynamic Group in Cloud Storage Application

Dr. Dhanaraj Cheelu, K. V. Uma Maheswari
2021 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology  
Data sharing is increasingly important for many users and sometimes an essential requirement, especially for industries and society's used to gain proceeds. Sharing group resource among cloud users is a major problem, still the data privacy leak. The existing system Group Key Management method used for sharing Key Generation and distribution in the group member or users. Sometimes change to user one group to another group, the group key to enable authenticated users to access the files securely
more » ... and efficiently is still a challenging problem. This problem to avoid that sharing data in group using the Time Based Group Key Management (TGKM) techniques for cryptographic cloud storage application , which Conditional Identity Based Broadcast Proxy Re-Encryption (CIBPRE) used to transforming the data's(files) major process in cloud server. To Key Generation method for user a time based dynamic group Key which capably to make stronger in cloud security. Generally, security and performance evaluated that the proposed scheme is highly efficient and satisfies the security requirements for cloud based application.
doi:10.32628/cseit217299 fatcat:yf5zdd4ulnh3fevj5qsa7pcqzy