Gravitino dark matter and flavor symmetries

Angelo Monteux, Eric Carlson, Jonathan M. Cornell
2014 Journal of High Energy Physics  
In supersymmetric theories without R-parity, the gravitino can play the role of a decaying Dark Matter candidate without the problem of late NLSP decays affecting Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. In this work, we elaborate on recently discussed limits on R-parity violating couplings from decays to antideuterons and discuss the implications for two classes of flavor symmetries: horizontal symmetries, and Minimal Flavor Violation. In most of the parameter space the antideuteron constraints on R-parity
more » ... olating couplings are stronger than low-energy baryon-number-violating processes. Even in the absence of flavor symmetries, we find strong new limits on couplings involving third-generation fields, and discuss the implications for LHC phenomenology. For TeV scale superpartners, we find that the allowed MFV parameter space is a corner with gravitino masses smaller than O(10) GeV and small tanβ.
doi:10.1007/jhep08(2014)047 fatcat:fhwz6mia5vas7pvqbqdiec6rti