An Energy-Efficient and Fault-Tolerant Topology Control Game Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network

Yongwen Du, Jinzong Xia, Junhui Gong, Xiaohui Hu
2019 Electronics  
Due to resource constraints and severe conditions, wireless sensor networks should be self-adaptive to maintain certain desirable properties, such as energy efficiency and fault tolerance. In this paper, we design a practical utility function that can effectively balance transmit power, residual energy, and network connectivity, and then we investigate a topology control game model based on non-cooperative game theory. The theoretical analysis shows that the topology game model is a potential
more » ... me and can converge to a state of the Nash equilibrium. Based on this model, an energy-efficient and fault-tolerant topology control game algorithm, EFTCG, is proposed to adaptively constructs a network topology. In turn, we present two subalgorithms: EFTCG-1 and EFTCG-2. The former just guarantees network single connectivity, but the latter can guarantee network biconnectivity. We evaluate the energy-efficient effect of EFTCG-1. Meanwhile, we also analyze the fault-tolerant performance of EFTCG-2. The simulation results verify the validity of the utility function. EFTCG-1 can efficiently prolong the network lifetime compared with other game-based algorithms, and EFTCG-2 performs better in robustness, although does not significantly reduce the network lifetime.
doi:10.3390/electronics8091009 fatcat:fsm23zydr5duvme24r35nqopry