Chiral Heterocyclic Ligands. X. Synthesis and Metal Complexes of Hindered and Chiral 2,2′-Bipyrimidines

Alison J. Downard, Ian G. Phillips, Peter J. Steel
2004 Australian journal of chemistry (Print)  
The first examples of 2,2'-bipyrimidine ligands incorporating bulky or chiral substituents have been prepared by nickel(0)-mediated homo-coupling reactions of chloropyrimidines. The 4,4'-di-(tert-butyl) derivative 2 and the chiral derivative 5, with 4,5-fused bornane groups, have been shown to form mononuclear metal complexes in which they coordinate through the less hindered nitrogen donors.
doi:10.1071/ch04061 fatcat:dqwoll6avzh2njwongafkmyg5a