Design and Implementation of a Single-Phase 15-Level Inverter with Reduced Components for Solar PV Applications

Dhanamjayulu C, P. Sanjeevikumar, Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, Frede Blaabjerg
2020 IEEE Access  
A new single-phase 15-level inverter with a reduced number of components for the Solar PV application is proposed in this paper. It is incorporate the proposed inverter with a boost converter to extract energy from the solar PV modules, the proposed inverter aids to generate fifteen stepped output voltage levels with lower THD. The proposed inverter can improve efficiency and reduce losses, cost, and complexity of the overall system. The conventional boost converter will boost the output
more » ... to a maximum voltage from Solar PV with MPPT(P&O). The proposed inverter is tested experimentally using the dSPACE RTI 1104 controller along with MATLAB/Simulink. A detailed comparison with existing MLIs with the proposed inverter. The work presents experimental results not only to show its efficiency but also to the effectiveness under different circumstances of linear and non-linear loads. The inverter is stable during the non-linear loads and well suits for grid-connected systems. INDEX TERMS Inverter, MPPT, converter, solar PV, total harmonics distortion (THD).
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3046477 fatcat:ipm4de2xqfguhonulmewt6cpoi