Transparency of Information Disclosure in the Management of State-Owned Enterprises

A H Nasution, B Nasution, O K Saidin, Sunarmi
2020 Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Governance and Islamic Society (ICOLGIS 2019)   unpublished
A State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) is a company business entity in which all or most of its capital is owned by the state through direct participation from the separated state assets. The research method in the present study is normative juridical supported by library data. Violation of the principle of transparency in a State-Owned Enterprise is a criminal act of corruption. These violations includegiving misleading statements that do not match the facts, submitting false statements relating to
more » ... pany internal data that can be misleading, as well as omission, i.e. eliminating information about actual facts. There is no other choice for State-Owned Enterprises except having to implement and comply with the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Adherence to the principles of good corporate governance must be carried out by directors and internal stakeholders to make SOEs healthy and resilient. It is expected that acts that violate the principle of transparency in SOEs must be accounted for legally.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.200306.174 fatcat:3vcntjf4ineh3k4wsafkkb2gza