Solving Vlasov-Maxwell equations by using Hamiltonian splitting

Yingzhe Li, Yang He, Yajuan Sun, Jitse Niesen, Hong Qin, Jian Liu
In this paper, we reformulate the Vlasov-Maxwell equations based on the Morrison-Marsden-Weinstein Poisson bracket. In order to get the numerical solutions preserving the Poisson bracket, we split the Hamiltonian of the Vlasov-Maxwell equations into five parts. We construct the numerical methods for the time direction via composing the exact solutions of subsystems. By combining an appropriate spatial discretization, we can prove that the resulting numerical discretization preserves the
more » ... Poisson bracket. We present numerical simulations for the problems of Landau damping and two-stream stability.
doi:10.1063/1.4992343 fatcat:ey6wtytvefbwlhuiwqibx4otie