Cross-Cultural Communication Discussion on Primary School Music Teaching: How to Increase Students' Enthusiasm for Learning Music

Jin Wang
2015 Cross-Cultural Communication   unpublished
This article analyzes how to inspire primary students to learn music actively. To improve the enthusiasm of learning music among primary students plays an important role in the development of music education in our country, but most primary school students are not interested in music class. The core of music education is aesthetics. A good music education can stimulate the rapid development of the pupils' brain, and improve their ability of music appreciation. Music educators should enhance
more » ... ary students' interest in music class in order to mobilize them to learn music actively. Therefore, music educators should constantly improve their own musicianship, explore the rules of teaching, and improve teaching methods, help create a good ambiance in the class, make the students learn music relaxed and cheerfully, which multiplies the efficiency of class teaching, so that the goal of cultivation will be achieved. Wa n g , J. (2 0 1 5). D i s c u s s i o n o n P r i m a r y S c h o o l M u s i c Teaching: How to Increase Students' Enthusiasm for Learning Music.