Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - Campus Cachoeira do Sul: pesquisa, ensino e extensão

Jocenir Boita, Glauber Rodrigues de Quadros, Lucinéia Fabris, Silvana Maldaner, Lucas Tavares Cardoso
2020 Ciência e Natura  
This work shows the trajectory of Cachoeira do Sul campus in search terms, showing a brief history of the rise of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), insertion in Cachoeira do Sul, statistics on education, research and extension, infrastructure available and currently used, highlighting some important points, such as the "Awards and Transfer of Technology through Research and Extension" held at the Cachoeira do Sul campus, "Scientific and Technological Training" and the "Project
more » ... an action that encourages the inclusion of academics in the scientific environment, contributing to their education as a professional and academic.
doi:10.5902/2179460x40811 fatcat:hicqewcn2ncgffx4u4vdbumr4u