The Constitutional Legal Basis of Local Government in the Southeastern Countries of Europe

Prof. Ass. Dr Kadri Kryeziu
2017 European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies  
In the most general sense, the mission of the local administration or local government is to "ensure governance at the level closest to citizens". Knowing that local government has an important role in the functioning of the state and of law, the local governance in the political system in most countries is primarily seen in its relations with the central government.If the historic point of view is taken into account, the development of local government in Kosovo has a tradition of two
more » ... . If the Constitution of the Ottoman Empire of 1876 is reviewed, it shows the pyramid of organization of local government in Kosovo, which was in fact inspired from the local government in the West. Speaking about local governance means slotting or reviewing a range of significant phenomena directly related to the destiny of the state. The local government, according to the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, represents the public power. It sanctions municipalities as basic administrative and political units.
doi:10.26417/ejms.v5i1.p363-369 fatcat:nbc3st7uajf7bfb3tmxciwsh2e