Вертикально-излучающий лазер спектрального диапазона 1.55 μm с туннельным переходом на основе слоев n-=SUP=-++-=/SUP=--InGaAs/p-=SUP=-++-=/SUP=--InGaAs/p-=SUP=-++-=/SUP=--InAlGaAs

С.А. Блохин, М.А. Бобров, Н.А. Малеев, А.А. Блохин, А.Г. Кузьменков, А.П. Васильев, С.С. Рочас, А.Г. Гладышев, А.В. Бабичев, И.И. Новиков, Л.Я. Карачинский, Д.В. Денисов (+4 others)
2020 Журнал технической физики  
The design of the n++-InGaAs/р++-InGaAs/р++-InAlGaAs tunnel junction (TJ) for 1.55 μm range vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), developed by wafer fusion technique of InAlGaAsP/InP optical cavity with AlGaAs/GaAs distributed Bragg reflectors is proposed and realized. The presence of oxidation-resistant InGaAs layers allows the use of molecular-beam epitaxy at all stages of the heterostructure fabrication, including for regrowth of the TJ surface relief. In the case of using the
more » ... -InGaAs/р++-InGaAs/р++-InAlGaAs TJ, a noticeable increase in the internal optical losses compared to the n++/р++-InAlGaAs TJ design was not obtained. The increase in internal optical loss in lasers can be avoided due to Burshtein-Moss effect in n++-InGaAs layers and thickness minimization of р++-InGaAs layer. As a result, the characteristics of fabricated lasers are comparable with characteristics of VCSELs with n++/p++-InAlGaAs TJ with a similar level of mirror losses.
doi:10.21883/pjtf.2020.17.49888.18393 fatcat:osy6y7sxrffn7bryvpwya5vj6q