An approximation algorithm for the least overlapping p-Frame problem with non-partial coverage for networked robotic cameras

Yiliang Xu, Dezhen Song, Jingang Yi, A. Frank van der Stappen
2008 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
We report our algorithmic development of the pframe problem that addresses the need of coordinating a set of p networked robotic pan-tilt-zoom cameras for n, (n > p), competing polygonal requests. We assume that the p frames have almost no overlap on the coverage between frames and a request is satisfied only if it is fully covered. We then propose a Resolution Ratio with Non-Partial Coverage (RRNPC) metric to quantify the satisfaction level for a given request with respect to a set of p
more » ... te frames. We propose a latticebased approximation algorithm to search for the solution that maximizes the overall satisfaction. The algorithm builds on an induction-like approach that finds the relationship between the solution to the (p − 1)-frame problem and the solution to the p-frame problem. For a given approximation bound , the algorithm runs in O(n/ 3 + p 2 / 6 ) time. We have implemented the algorithm and experimental results are consistent with our complexity analysis.
doi:10.1109/robot.2008.4543337 dblp:conf/icra/XuSYS08 fatcat:hsgvali7wjdnhat6zgnxiagv6a