Researches in Occurrence of Slope-rupture on Subsurface Geology (II)

Sumio ITO
1980 Landslides  
Analysis in the Drainage Basin of Tribu tary of the Mochikoshi River (type locality of slope-rupture) at the Amagiyugashiina , Izu Peninsula.-井 東 澄 雄* Sumio ITO Resume This paper deals with examples of analyses based on theory of "The Metbod of Predict Technology of Slope rupture". This type area was chosen in October to November 1977. I have been investigating this field in detail since then. This analyses due to prior paper (I)-Fig. 1 , 2, 3 and expression-, the data obtained from the
more » ... a tion. The results of this analyses, are shown on Table 1 -4 .
doi:10.3313/jls1964.17.2_32 fatcat:zuwnetibzfalbcxqo6cipjtixa