Perspectives of National Coordinators for Animal Genetic Resources on the European Regional Focal Point: survey results

Elzbieta Martyniuk, Vera Matlova, Nina Sæther, Danijela Bojkovski, Lorraine Puzin, Grazyna Polak, Sipke Joost Hiemstra, Beate Berger, Jeanne Bormann, Eva-Marie Stålhammar, Srdjan Stojanović, Jan Tomka
2020 Annals of Animal Science  
AbstractThe European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources (ERFP), is the European regional platform of National Coordinators (NCs) supporting management of animal genetic resources (AnGR). To assess the performance of the ERFP platform/network and consider options for its further development, a survey was performed among NCs. Twenty-five NCs responded to the survey on the roles, values and future of the platform. The paper provides an analysis of the results of the survey,
more » ... a ERFP SWOT analysis. NCs indicated high value of the support of the ERFP in fulfilling their functions at the national level. They highlighted the well-established network and facilitated communication and collaboration among NCs and other AnGR experts in Europe. The NCs appreciated the efficient organizational structure of the ERFP (Working Groups, Task Forces, Ad hoc Actions), and the well-functioning Secretariat. Indicated weak points included discontinuity of NC positions in some countries, and low levels of activities in some countries. NCs saw new opportunities for ERFP development in the context of the EU policy and regulatory framework related to AnGR management, and in strengthening the role of the Secretariat. No immediate threats were identified, however potential future threats included insufficient financing and lack of continuity. The NCs highly appreciated the substantial progress achieved by the ERFP over the last 20 years.
doi:10.2478/aoas-2020-0120 fatcat:kld3hohytzh3fpmex2zuxjobsq