Wykorzystanie stron internetowych w komunikowaniu polityki społecznej odpowiedzialności przez spółki publiczne notowane na GPW w Warszawie

Tomasz Dąbrowski
2019 Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW Polityki Europejskie Finanse i Marketing  
Companies, by engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, can generate favorable stakeholder behaviors and build up their corporate reputations. On the other hand, stakeholders' low awareness of these activities, and their lack of confidence in corporations, create major obstacles in gaining maximum benefits for these companies. This gives rise to a need for effective CSR communication. The purpose of the research presented in this paper was to identify how companies listed on
more » ... the Warsaw Stock Exchange use their websites to communicate CSR activities. The research was based on the analysis of company documents. The main results show that company size was the most important factor differentiating CSR communication.
doi:10.22630/pefim.2019.22.71.25 fatcat:iwzif4se3rev7ajvhi3kv3p3gu