«skad Npo, Soft», Vladimir Kiev, Slivker
Paradoxes, reasons for their occurrence and the role in the assessment of design model correctness are discussed in this paper. On the examples from the theory of structures it has been shown that some paradoxes occur due the choice of design models that insufficiently account for the real-life object properties. It has been noted that certain properties of a real-life object insignificantly influencing the results of calculation in one instance might change it quite in another, and a paradox
more » ... ght vanish under the insignificant change of calculating and viewing conditions. Availability of paradox encourages carrying out new research, provides a deeper understanding of the theory and its postulates and, sometimes, leads to its complete review. Paradoxical outcomes obtained from the analysis of behavior of certain mechanical systems or, put it more exactly, design models, are widely known. Perhaps, the best collection of paradoxes is represented by Panovko [5, 6]; a number of paradoxical decisions are indicated by Feodos'ev [11]; there are also other publications [7, 9]. So, are all these outcomes merely an amusement, a sort of mind game of our scientists? Or do they hide a broader understanding? 1 The problems under review were discussed many times with our late friend V.I. Slivker. This fact gives us the right to consider him as the full-fledged coauthor of this paper. (L.S. Lyakhovich, А.V. Perel'muter).