Handbook of Applied Cryptography [book]

Alfred Menezes, Paul van Oorschot, Scott Vanstone
1996 Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications  
Electronic commerce has pushed and benefitted from the development of mobile agents technology. One of the reasons is electronic commerce needs remote searching and negotiating between one customer and a number of E-shops. Mobile agents can travel over the Intranet or Internet. Therefore, mobile agents can help the customer or E-shops with remote searching and negotiating. However, because of the heterogeneousness of the networks the mobile agents migrate to, security issues should be tackled
more » ... th cautions. This paper presents a new secure electronic commerce protocol. The underlying transactions are accomplished with mobile agents. A trusted third party (in fact, a trusted authority) is involved in the protocol.
doi:10.1201/9781439821916 fatcat:5hyla3mwnfgvzp6v65wtttzla4