Resonance perfect absorption by exciting hyperbolic phonon polaritons in 1D hBN gratings

Bo Zhao, Zhuomin M. Zhang
2017 Optics Express  
Natural materials with hyperbolic responses can confine light with well-defined propagation directions inside the micro/nanostructure. Here we theoretically demonstrate that strong resonance absorption can be achieved in one-dimensional gratings made of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) due to hyperbolic phonon polaritons. The radiative properties of both trapezoidal and square resonators are calculated using anisotropic rigorous coupled-wave analysis. The resonance wavelengths can be theoretically
more » ... predicted and are shown to follow the anomalous or traditional scaling laws depending on the hyperbolicity. These findings may benefit the applications including photodetection, color filters, and optomechanics. diffractional volume-confined polaritons in the natural hyperbolic material hexagonal boron nitride," Nat.
doi:10.1364/oe.25.007791 pmid:28380897 fatcat:d37cmt5qcvfhzpqpj3ki2zhoay