Spatio Temporal Analysis Trend of Land Use and Land Cover Change Against Temperature Based on Remote Sensing Data in Malang City

Purwanto, Dwiyono Hari Utomo, Bharadhian Rizki Kurniawan
2016 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
The purpose of this study is to assess the land use / land cover change (LULC) against Temperature Based on Remote Sensing Data in 2003-2013. This study uses a spatio temporal approach by using digital remote sensing data. The image data are used Landsat 7 ETM + and Landsat 8. Analysis of LULC change used supervised classification. The temperature data obtained by digital conversion number (DN). The results showed the spatial effect of LULC with the increase of temperature in Malang City. The
more » ... LC occurred on constructed land. The change are proven by the decrease of uncovered land and vegetation. The increase of temperature was proved by temperature data in 2013 were dominated by hot temperature class, while in 2003 was dominated by cold temperature class. The spatial distribution of hot temperature followed the pattern of main road including Part of City Region (PCR) Central Malang and Northeast Malang.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.06.066 fatcat:mghyu7jjnrd2xdqrdkyqlzd5ny