How to Foster a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive NASA

Alyssa Whitcraft
2020 Figshare  
I, an early career white woman and a principal or co-investigator on multiple NASA awards, was asked to draft this for NASA leadership on 11 June 2020 as they seek to do something meaningful in the wake of the murder of George Floyd and in order to support black, indigenous, people of color (BIPOC), LGBTQ+, women, and people with disabilities working at NASA and through the work of NASA. This is not exhaustive, but a reflection of what I have learned as I endeavor to be a white woman ally in
more » ... MM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine), and what I was able to put together in a roughly a day of unpaid labor. The document contains many direct attributions and links to great thinkers' own profiles.It outlines several realities ("facts") about bias and discrimination relevant to NASA from an intersectional feminist lens, and proposes actions to address and overcome them.Still, many more realities and actions could be exposed and proposed, respectively. I accepted this task as a "mitzvah" - obligation - to right societal wrongs and speak truth to power from my privileged position as a white academic from a background of economic privilege. I encourage NASA and all authorities to hire and pay members of underrepresented groups for their labor in dismantling white supremacy, sexism, and all forms of discrimination in institutions. Not only will this enrich and build upon the suggestions I have outlined, but it will also add accountability for NASA to take action.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.12492938 fatcat:7jw7k4mvynhwrdduse3ceul5oy