Single-electron transistors and memory cells with Au colloidal islands

C. S. Wu, C. D. Chen, S. M. Shih, W. F. Su
2002 Applied Physics Letters  
In this study, single-electron transistors and memory cells with Au colloidal islands linked by C 60 derivatives have been fabricated by hybridization of top-down advanced electron-beam lithography and bottom-up nanophased-material synthesis techniques. Low-temperature transport measurements exhibit clear Coulomb-blockade-type current-voltage characteristics and hysteretic-type gate-modulated current. The hysteresis is attributed to the presence of electrically isolated charge-storage islands.
more » ... ith the guidance provided by Monte Carlo simulation, we propose a circuit model and give an estimate of the sample parameters.
doi:10.1063/1.1527236 fatcat:h2p4mku62rgohfvc3menicv6ie