Timber industry and forest environmental resources of the North-West Federal District of Russia

Marina Perekopskaya, Yuri Alekseev, O. Kalinina
2019 E3S Web of Conferences  
The territories of the timber industry complex of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the North-West Federal District are considered. A number of regions in the North-West Federal District possess a significant forest resource base and a system of logging and woodworking centers, which is a prerequisite for the intensive development of the timber industry complex and its territories. However, at present, the wood resource potential of these constituent entities
more » ... the Russian Federation and the capabilities of the timber industry complex of the North-West Federal District are not being used rationally and are being subject to extracting the current profits by renters of forest areas, which саuses stagnation of wood processing companies and places of their locations. In order to search for potential field of development of territories belonging to the timber industry complex of the North-West Federal District, urban planning aspects of the modern use of these territories have been studied, key urban-planning and resource problems requiring a scientifically based solution have been identified and structured.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/201911002006 fatcat:grrrrjkvczckdauu4qqotlqdmu