Лазерная генерация перенесенных на кремний инжекционных микродисков с квантовыми точками InAs/InGaAs/GaAs

А.Е. Жуков, Э.И. Моисеев, А.М. Надточий, А.C. Драгунова, Н.В. Крыжановская, М.М. Кулагина, А.М. Можаров, С.А. Кадинская, О.И. Симчук, Ф.И. Зубов, М.В. Максимов
2020 Журнал технической физики  
AlGaAs/GaAs microdisk lasers with InAs/InGaAs quantum dots region were transferred onto a silicon wafer using indium bonding. Microlasers have a joint electrical contact put over a residual n+ GaAs substrate, whereas their individual addressing is achieved by placing them p-contact down to separate contact pads. No effect of non-native substrate on electrical resistance, threshold current, thermal resistance, and spectral characteristics was revealed. Microdisks lase in continuous-wave mode
more » ... out external cooling with the threshold current density of 0.7 kA/cm2. Lasing wavelength remains stable (<0.1 nm/mA) against injection current increment.
doi:10.21883/pjtf.2020.16.49844.18354 fatcat:eenfj4zcb5a5nezara7yaqlcqm