Propositional Calculus in Teaching Mathematical Subjects and in Praxis

Vladimír Matušek
2018 International Scientific Days 2018. Towards Productive, Sustainable and Resilient Global Agriculture and Food Systems: Proceedings   unpublished
In our paper we try to point out the most common logical mistakes in mathematical thinking made by students of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. The mistakes analysis was developed on the basis of students' tests. Students involved in the research were about to take their A-levels in Maths. Tasks in the tests were aimed at the use of an elementary logic -negations, general and existential quantifier in the curriculum of Mathematics at secondary schools and at universities. We
more » ... our main hypothesis, that the involvement of mathematical knowledge into other parts of mathematics will improve a quality of students' knowledge. When formulating the main hypothesis of our research we relied on both, the theoretical knowledge of the issue and the experience based on our own teaching practice. Pedagogical experiment was carried out in two groups -the experimental and the control one.
doi:10.15414/isd2018.s9.08 fatcat:2nzv7wyt4jf5rp2vairfngoerm