Refrigerator Coupling to a Water-Heater and Heating Floor to Save Energy and to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Romdhane Ben Slama
2013 Computational Water Energy and Environmental Engineering  
With an aim of rationing use of energy, energy safety, and to reduce carbon emission, our interest was geared towards the refrigerators and all the refrigerating machines. Indeed the heat yielded by the exchanger condenser can be developed for the water heating, floors heating etc. After an encouraging theoretical study, two prototypes were produced in order to validate the theoretical results. A first refrigerator was coupled with a water-heater and another with a heating floor. The water
more » ... rature reached, in one day, is of 60˚C; which makes it possible to predict better results with a continuously used refrigerator. In the same way for the heating floor coupled with the second refrigerator, the temperature reached high values because the surface is reduced; however for the heating floors the standard fixes the temperature between 28˚C and 30˚C. We will begin by determining the intervals of real operating time of the refrigerator and the heat transfer between the condenser and water or floor to be heated. Preliminary Study of Dimensioning The tracing of the histogram of Figure 4 allows to know
doi:10.4236/cweee.2013.21003 fatcat:radxlhmpmrglpaft6rnugagssq