On the volume of caps and bounding the mean-width of an isotropic convex body

2010 Mathematical proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (Print)  
Let K be a convex body which is (i) symmetric with respect to each of the coordinate hyperplanes and (ii) in isotropic position. We prove that most linear functionals acting on K exhibit super-Gaussian tail behavior. Using known facts about the mean-width of such bodies, we then deduce strong lower bounds for the volume of certain caps. We also prove a converse statement. Namely, if an arbitrary isotropic convex body (not necessarily satisfying (i)) exhibits similar cap-behavior, then one can
more » ... und its mean-width. * This article is part of the author's Ph.D. thesis, written under the supervision of Professor Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann at the University of Alberta. The author holds an Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship. involving the reverse inequality, namely super-Gaussian estimates of the form for t > 0 in some suitable range. Such estimates are garnering increased attention, as in [14] and [21] , and are the starting point for this paper. Our first main result concerns super-Gaussian directions for convex bodies that are isotropic and 1-unconditional. By isotropic, we mean that K has volume one, center of mass at the origin and each functional has the same variance, i.e.,
doi:10.1017/s0305004110000216 fatcat:hiwitcb2gvfqvkbozsde4vfj3u