Equations for the Interaction between Deformation and Electromagnetic Field

Jianhua Xiao
2007 PIERS Online  
The Minskowski form of electromagnetic field equations for constant moving nondeformable medium are extended to the electromagnetic field equations for deformable medium with arbitrary moving speed. Firstly, after introducing the mechanics equations for finite deformation, the electromagnetic-dependent deformation are established in non-relativity range. Then, by putting these equations into the electromagnetic field equations for moving medium, the deformation-electromagnetic field equations
more » ... e established. Finally, through combining these equations with the mechanical deformation equations, the complete dynamic equations for the interaction between deformation and electromagnetic field are obtained. The results can be used to solve three typical engineering problems: (1) calculating the medium dynamic deformation for the known electromagnetic field in the laboratory reference frame; (2) calculating the electromagnetic field in the laboratory reference for the known moving velocity and deformation of media; (3) calculating the interaction between the deformable moving medium and the electromagnetic field when both of deformation and electromagnetic field are un-known.
doi:10.2529/piers060903104438 fatcat:uo23r3qyn5hprmklyztxet57p4