How Accessible are Journal Articles on Education Written by Sub‐Saharan Africa‐based Researchers?

Samuel Asare, Rafael Mitchell, Pauline Rose
2021 Development and Change  
This article investigates the extent to which education publications authored by researchers based in sub-Saharan Africa are published as open access (OA). We draw on bibliometric analysis of 1,858 peer-reviewed articles over the period 2010-18, together with interviews with 31 academics based in the region. Overall, we find a steady increase in OA publishing in the region over this period, although the proportion of OA publications remains low. The study finds that: (1) open access articles by
more » ... researchers in sub-Saharan Africa are concentrated in journals with a lower impact factor; and (2) authors in sub-Saharan Africa tend to publish in higher quality journals behind a paywall, rather than in lower quality journals that either have no or lower cost for open access. We would like to thank the Jacobs Foundation and Education Sub-Saharan Africa for funding this work. We are grateful to the African scholars we interviewed for sharing their insights, which have shaped the findings of this paper. Development and Change 0(0): 1-9.
doi:10.1111/dech.12639 fatcat:niwino2zjnbjzldlcwfy2etdjm