The Galaxy Populations of X‐Ray–detected, Poor Groups

Kim‐Vy H. Tran, Luc Simard, Ann I. Zabludoff, John S. Mulchaey
2001 Astrophysical Journal  
(Abridged) We determine the quantitative morphology and star formation properties of galaxies in six nearby X-ray detected, poor groups using multi-object spectroscopy and wide-field R imaging. We measure structural parameters for each galaxy by fitting a PSF-convolved, two component model to their surface brightness profiles. To compare directly the samples, we fade, smooth, and rebin each galaxy image so that we effectively observe each galaxy at the same redshift (9000 km/s) and physical
more » ... lution (0.87h^(-1) kpc). We compare results for the groups to a sample of field galaxies. We find that: 1) Galaxies spanning a wide range in morphological type and luminosity are well-fit by a de Vaucouleurs bulge with exponential disk profile. 2) Morphologically classifying these nearby group galaxies by their bulge fraction (B/T) is fairly robust on average, even when their redshift has increased by up to a factor of four and the effective resolution of the images is degraded by up to a factor of five. 3) The fraction of bulge-dominated systems in these groups is higher than in the field (~50% vs. ~20%). 4) The fraction of bulge-dominated systems in groups decreases with increasing radius, similar to the morphology-radius (~density) relation observed in galaxy clusters. 5) Current star formation in group galaxies is correlated with significant morphological asymmetry for disk-dominated systems (B/T<0.4). 6) The group galaxies that are most disk-dominated (B/T<0.2) are less star forming and asymmetric on average than their counterparts in the field.
doi:10.1086/319085 fatcat:q6hfgerif5cclffmp3yhwcbmbu