Influence of NaCl solutions at various concentrations on hardening of egg membranes of trout - Salmo trutta L

Andrzej Sobociński, Aleksander Winnicki
1974 Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria  
The influence of NaCl solutions on the hardening process of egg membranes of the trout, Salmo trutta • L. was investigated. Experiments have proved that the processes connected with absorption of water and with hardening of the membra nes may take place even in a habitat of a considerable salinity, but their initiation must be preceded by at least a short period of immersion of the egg in fresh water. It is the authors' intention to try to explain the phenomenon of a different effect of
more » ... s of various concentrations on the . egg membranes as well as the increase of the membrane hardening velocity in NaCl solutions in comparison with the standard.
doi:10.3750/aip1974.04.2.02 fatcat:sfoqciqe3nh6hbgfbvhchjtp6u