Consumers' Responses to Restaurant Inspection Reports: The Effects of Information Source and Message Style

Jinkyung Choi, Li Miao, Barbara Almanza, C. Douglas Nelson
2013 Journal of Foodservice Business Research  
Restaurant inspection reports are an important source of information for the public to evaluate food safety practices at restaurants. This study examined the effect of information source and message style on consumer responses to restaurant inspection reports. The study employed a three (Information source: local health department, newspaper or consumer blog) x three (Message style: numeric, letter grade or narrative) full-factorial experimental design. Results showed that message style
more » ... antly influenced consumers' responses while the information source did not have a significant effect on consumers' responses. In addition, consumers' threat and coping responses to restaurant inspection reports were positively related to their intention to modify behavior.
doi:10.1080/15378020.2013.810536 fatcat:f2iydeqgsncdtn5mie5tc3oyiq