Anesthetic Management of Apert Syndrome: A Case Report

Megha Koirala, Gentle S Shrestha, Pankaj Joshi, Bashu D Parajuli
2021 Journal of Institute of Medicine  
Apert syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disease associated with abnormalities of skull, face and limbs. These patients present for different types of surgeries. To the anesthesiologists,they pose special challenge during airway management, manifesting as difficulty in bag-mask ventilation and increased incidence of airway obstruction. Here, we report a case of a child with Apert syndrome undergoing syndactyly release under general anesthesia, in whom severe bronchospasm and a failed
more » ... ventilation occurred during the emergence of anesthesia requiring re-insertion of laryngeal mask airway.
doi:10.3126/jiom.v43i1.37473 fatcat:mpgidfw255c3lcckzxcutacw3i