The Effect of Chamomile Flower Essence on Pain Severity after Elective Caesarean Section under Spinal Anaesthesia: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Bahareh Najafi, Faraz Mojab, Loghman Ghaderi, Fariba Farhadifar, Daem Roshani, Jamal Seidi
2017 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research  
Nowadays, herbal essence and aromatherapy are used as a form of complementary medicine and nonpharmacological interventions alongside modern medicine and pharmacological interventions. Aim: To evaluate the effect of chamomile flower essence on pain severity following elective caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia.
doi:10.7860/jcdr/2017/29689.10836 fatcat:qjiafye2yzgi3mcmqqctakb2tq