Onda corta para el dolor musculoesquelético: revisión sistemática

H. Gutiérrez E., P. González M., R. Gellona H.
2013 Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor  
Recibido: 18-12-12. Aceptado: 25-03-12. H. Gutiérrez E. et al. Onda corta para el dolor musculoesquelético. Revisión sistemática. Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2013; 20(5): ABSTRACT Shortwave is a type of electromagnetic radiation whose frequency band commonly used is 27.12 MHz with a wavelength of 11.6 m, is a one of the most commonly used by physiotherapists for pain management of musculoskeletal origin, will be a synthesis of evidence through a systematic review of randomized controlled clinical trials.
more » ... Objetive: To determine whether there is scientific evidence to support the analgesic effectiveness of shortwave therapy in musculoskeletal pathologies source. Search strategy: We included in the search for randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and controlled clinical trials (CCTs), the databases used were MEDLINE, CINAHL, Central, PEDro, and LILACS. Results: 26 studies that met our eligibility criteria. Conclusions: There is moderate evidence that the short and long term PSW to high and low doses reduce pain and improve function; and the CSW to add an exercise program an education does not reduce pain or analgesic consumption reduced in patients with knee OA; there is moderate evidence that shortterm CSW adding to NSAID and exercise program produces a decrease in pain in patients with chronic low back pain.
doi:10.4321/s1134-80462013000500005 fatcat:q53wqooibbebnfc5jpj3ylxoom