Dynamical suppression of decoherence in two-state quantum systems

Lorenza Viola, Seth Lloyd
1998 Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  
The dynamics of a decohering two-level system driven by a suitable control Hamiltonian is studied. The control procedure is implemented as a sequence of radiofrequency pulses that repetitively flip the state of the system, a technique that can be termed quantum "bang-bang" control after its classical analog. Decoherence introduced by the system's interaction with a quantum environment is shown to be washed out completely in the limit of continuous flipping and greatly suppressed provided the
more » ... erval between the pulses is made comparable to the correlation time of the environment. The model suggests a strategy to fight against decoherence that complements existing quantum error-correction techniques.
doi:10.1103/physreva.58.2733 fatcat:cvp2h3mt3vfyrfhtm5xidzw5re