New Record of Blue Striped Snapper, Lutjanus Notatus (Cuvier, 1828) (Family: Lutjanidae), From Indian Waters

Govinda Rao Velamala
2017 Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology  
Single species of the blue striped snapper, Lutjanus notatus belonging to the family Lutjanidae, was first time collected from the Visakhapatnam, India. The specimen (156 mm Standard length) was caught by deep sea trawl net. The present study deals with detail description of the species given here with illustration. In addition, pre dorsal scales origin at first dorsal spine and those are extend from first dorsal spine to inter orbital region and pre dorsal scales rows were 12. Transverse check
more » ... scales were10; there is no gap between temporal scale bands of each side, Inter orbital with scaly sheath. The present study confirms the presence of Lutjanus notatus in Indian coast.
doi:10.15406/jamb.2017.05.00113 fatcat:prywxtsif5ftbf4vogeq2wgum4