Bandung Urban Dense Built Environment: Its Contribution on Microclimate and Living Quality

Beta Paramita, Saut Sagala, Jeeten Baghnani, Husnul Aris Alberdi
2019 KnE Social Sciences  
Urban village (kampong) becomes the city morphology phenomenon, its growth is organic and has no land use planning adequate. The tendency of increasing local temperatures in various metropolitan cities with high density has led to urban heat island. This article is a comprehensive study aimed at describes micro-climate aspects of the urban built environment. Detailed discussion on aspects morphology of the urban village will describe its implications for the formation of the microclimate that
more » ... fects residential quality. Nine locations of kampong in Bandung with was then taken into samples, namely: Sukajadi, Tamansari, Sukapada, Cigondewah Kidul, Cigondewah Rahayu, Cicendo, Babakan Ciamis, and Cihaurgeulis. Detailed and specific discussion on aspects of mass and building shape, distance between buildings, height of buildings and availability green open space provides particular information of the influence of physical aspects of morphology on the microclimate, especially the most important to the average radiation temperature (Tmrt), others, such as air temperature (Ta), humidity (RH), and wind speed (v). The quality of the living environment as indicated by the PET index (Physiologically Equivalent Temperature). The final result shows Cigondewah Rahayu with 31.2∘C; 50.6%; 0,33m/s obtained PET = 35.9∘C with hot sensation. Based on the field measurement also find out that most of the nine kampongs are offering "warm" sensation living area, none of them have the "neutral," "cool" or even "slightly cool" sensation.
doi:10.18502/kss.v3i21.4963 fatcat:umizbggjojhf5hlrounua7o7ga