Maharishi Vedic City [chapter]

Transcendental Meditation in America  
The scope and reach of the climate change challenge is clearly unprecedented, as is its level of global urgency. We review the broad results of the scientific program associated with it. These results identify serious impacts on physical, biological, and human systems, as separate systems and as cascading through them. The global risks associated with these impacts are daunting. Modern analytic approaches to this order of complexity and uncertainty have so far made only a limited contribution
more » ... its understanding and resolution. In particular these approaches identify a crucial gap: the understanding and modelling of the whole, rather than the parts, of the system. We then advance the promise of Maharishi Vedic Science in providing this missing scientific knowledge, in principle and in practice. In particular we explore a model offered by Maharishi Vedic Science which describes eight levels of Natural Law to embrace all the complex diverse systems of which the global climate system is comprised. Further we review the technologies through which Maharishi Vedic Science offers to restore balance, integration and orderly growth to all systems from their foundation in the Unified Field of Natural Law. We outline the extensive scientific research program which has provided robust support for the predictions of Maharishi Vedic Science with respect to both individual and collective life; which extend, we suggest, to the global community and to the global challenge of climate change.
doi:10.2307/j.ctt20q1t6f.15 fatcat:4hfgqhg7i5cqfkrfexg4qhcgga